Inclusive Auslan classes, tutoring and Deaf mentoring for everyone.
Inclusive Auslan classes, tutoring and Deaf mentoring for everyone.
Learning a new language is exciting! Auslan (Australian Sign Language) is the language of the Deaf community in Australia. Auslan is related to British Sign Language (BSL), but the language is unique for deaf Australians
Learning a new language is exciting! Auslan (Australian Sign Language) is the language of the Deaf community in Australia. Auslan is related to British Sign Language (BSL), but the language is unique for deaf Australians
This training teaches the principles of key word sign and gesture, who it can be used with and how it can be used alongside other ways of communicating. You will understand how key word sign is different to Auslan.
This is one of two modules we've made to support you to comply with the NDIS Commission's requirements around incident management. The NDIS Practice Standards require all workers to be trained in incident management
This is an introductory course for Auslan and will provide basic communicative skills to converse with deaf people.
The Commission does not guarantee that the content is current, complete or comprehensive. The VDWC does not endorse the quality of the training, or the training providers listed. Please contact the course providers to verify information.
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For course providers:
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